Content plays a major role in the journey of building your online presence and brand, and choosing the right content management system (CMS) and localization strategy are key pieces of your business puzzle.
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For translation services, there are two main ways to get the job done: working with a freelancer or through an agency. A freelancer is a single person offering a service into one specific language. Some clients like this idea, as they can choose who will be the ultimate person who will translate their text. However, others prefer to work with an agency that can link them to a large pool of talented people who can translate into multiples languages, through a single point of contact.
translation services, Information, localization, l10n, website localization, WPML
PART III. Tips for a Successful Website Localization
Localization is not an exact science and each client and target customer segment has its peculiarities. There is no specific standard but experience has showed us that there are certain practices that can help you avoid the most common localization problems to ensure a smooth process.
localization, tools, guide, l10n, website localization, WPML
PART II. How to Localize your Website
If you don’t know how to localize your website, you must know that there are different solutions available. Keep reading to discover the pros & cons and decide what is best suited to your needs.