Exclusivity. Irreplaceability. Uniqueness.
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In the last months, we are seeing an incredible boom of the new economies of video games. Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games are connecting people around the globe to socialize, build communities, create new virtual worlds together and participatively building economies surrounding them.
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When you have a new project, in which you have invested your time and effort, and you need translation or localization services, you have to make sure that the translation agency or LSP (Language Service Provider) that you choose is ‘the one’. In many cases, the international development of your project depends heavily on them and on a successful localization strategy.
translation services, Information, localization, l10n, website localization, WPML
PART III. Tips for a Successful Website Localization
Localization is not an exact science and each client and target customer segment has its peculiarities. There is no specific standard but experience has showed us that there are certain practices that can help you avoid the most common localization problems to ensure a smooth process.
localization, tools, guide, l10n, website localization, WPML
PART II. How to Localize your Website
If you don’t know how to localize your website, you must know that there are different solutions available. Keep reading to discover the pros & cons and decide what is best suited to your needs.