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March 10, 2020

Which languages are the most relevant?

Which are the most popular languages for communicating online and offline?

The new globalized world offers endless possibilities to expand your business and reach new customers worldwide. Offering translated content to your customers makes your brand stronger and increases your chances to succeed in any part of the world. But, which are the most relevant languages to translate into? Which are the ones that will bring you more customers and value in return?

Being honest, we have to admit that there is not a straight answer to the question.

That really depends on your business objectives and your target audience, as you are the one who knows where you want to market your products or services. It’s important to consider both the languages your online visitors speak and also the and the languages (or markets) that can bring a stronger buying power.

It is important to consider both the languages your online visitors speak and also the and the languages (or markets) that can bring a stronger buying power.

In the graphic below, you can see the most spoken languages in the world. So if your content is translated into any of those languages, odds are that you can reach a wider audience if your content is marketed in the right way.

Captura de pantalla 2020-02-11 a las 11.46.47

If we look at the Internet users by language, we can see the following:

  • English has 870+ million speakers
  • Chinese has 700+ million speakers
  • Spanish has 255+ million speakers
  • Arabic has 168+ million speakers
  • Portuguese has 131+ million speakers

Or you can decide based on the language of the most active users in your field.

For example, for FinTech:Captura de pantalla 2020-02-11 a las 11.48.31


If you want to have more information or help to decide, you can get in touch with your Language Service Provider or Translation Agency. They will be able to give you good advice as they already have industry and language expert knowledge.

At Kotoba Translation, we are experts in different fields and industries. Do not hesitate to request a free consultation.

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